How to remove make-up from clothes
Make-up on white clothes
Make-up and white clothes are rarely a good combination. Why is it that make-up, powder, foundation and lipstick easily disappear from the face, but are almost impossible to get off the clothes? Here's our guide on how to get rid of those mischievous stains from lipstick, foundation and mascara.
How to remove lipstick from white clothes?
The best way to remove lipstick from clothes is to use washing up liquid. Here's how you do it:
- Put clear washing-up liquid on the stain and spread it on the stain
- Put the shirt in a plastic bag, tie a knot on the bag and let it rest overnight
- Wash the shirt according to the washing instructions
- If there is still some residual color left, you can repeat the process
How to get foundation from clothes?
Fortunately, foundation on the collar or elsewhere on white clothing is easy to remove, as long as you use the right means and procedure:
- Put some sulfo or washing powder on the foundation stain
- Place the shirt/blouse in a white plastic bag and tie a knot on it
- Leave the shirt/blouse on for a day
- Wash the shirt/blouse according to the washing instructions
- If the stain is very stubborn and dried in, you can dab a little household alcohol on the stain and then wash it according to the washing instructions
How to remove mascara from clothes?
Can mascara come off clothes? Yes, it can - however, it can be one of the more difficult things to get rid of. You must pay attention to whether your mascara is waterproof or non-waterproof. It depends a lot on how you best remove the stain.
Non-waterproof mascara:
- Remove the excess mascara
- Put clear washing-up liquid on the stain
- Place the shirt blouse in a white plastic bag and tie a knot on it.
- Leave the shirt blouse on for a day
- Wash the shirt blouse according to the washing instructions
Waterproof Mascara:
- Remove the excess mascara
- Take a cotton cloth and dip it in benzine
- Gently dab the stain with benzine
- Wash according to the washing instructions
How do you get eyeliner off clothes?
The best way to get eyeliner off clothing is to put some oil-free make-up remover on a cotton pad and gently dab it onto the stain. Afterwards, rinse the stain with cold water so that you are sure that you have rinsed away all the make-up remover.
How do you get powder from clothes?
If you have got loose powder on your white blouse, you can first try to blow it away with cold air from your hair dryer. If there is still a stain, follow these instructions:
- Put clear washing-up liquid on the stain and spread it on the stain
- Put the shirt in a plastic bag, tie a knot on the bag and let it rest overnight.
- Wash the shirt according to the washing instructions
- If there is still some residual color left, gently soak the stain with household alcohol
- Then wash the shirt according to the instructions
How to remove self-tanner from white clothes
It is almost impossible to remove self-tanner from white clothes and there is a high risk that your clothes will be bleached. So if you choose to attempt to remove self-tanner from your clothing, do so at your own risk. The best would be to use Vanish and rub it well into the stain and let it work. Then wash according to the washing instructions.
If you need a guide on how to remove yellow stains from your white shirts, look at here..
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